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About FirstIgnite

Empowering Research Institutions to Build Strong Corporate Partnerships

FirstIgnite champions innovation and education, powering engaging interactions between companies and research institutions. We provide simple AI-powered tools that solve complex problems, delivered as a research-focused marketing platform with global reach.

Our History

Founded in 2019, FirstIgnite aims to revolutionize scientific breakthroughs into commercial successes. That year, we were given the opportunity to support the commercialization of cancer treatment molecules – proven to slow tumor growth in small animals – and help them reach human trials. Although our founders had no skills in oncology, we learned we could help cure cancer.

Since then, we’ve united global universities and pioneering companies across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, energy storage, cyber security, food production, water treatment, and so much more.

With support from leading venture capital groups like Y Combinator, FirstIgnite has become a hub for innovative minds striving for societal impact.

Alone, we can’t cure cancer, we can’t alter plant genetics, and we can’t solve the world’s energy crises. But we can build products and offer services that bring together the world’s top innovators and companies, who can work together to accomplish anything they put their minds and resources to. Our user-friendly artificial intelligence software tackles challenges through a global platform meant to increase collaborative corporate and higher-education engagements.

At FirstIgnite, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the world.

The FirstIgnite Team


  • 2019

    Company founded. First university partners are Stony Brook University and Auburn University.

  • 2020

    Received investment from Michigan State University Research Foundation and participated in the Conquer Accelerator via Red Cedar Ventures.

  • 2021

    Graduated from Y Combinator Summer 21 batch.

  • 2022

    Reached milestones of over 2,000 innovation partnerships and over 250 new partnerships each month on FirstIgnite’s platform.

  • 2023

    FirstIgnite's software as a service is released. Research partners are able to build hundreds of new corporate partnerships in minutes through the power of artificial intelligence.

Core Values

We are Champions

We wake up every morning and work on behalf of our university innovators. We believe that they can change the world and appreciate the opportunity to work alongside them. We intend to be the voice singing the praise of university innovation.

We are Bold

We take risks every day in the name of innovation. Our team is encouraged to make bold attempts at driving innovation forward. Our team is confident and courageous as we support challenging problems for our customers.

We are Innovative

We constantly innovate and attract innovative companies, universities and team members who want to break the status quo and try new ways of doing things in order to solve big problems.

We are Family

FirstIgnite is a family business. We started this journey together and have stuck by each other’s side through the good days and the bad. We’re not just colleagues, we’re a family that stands up and looks out for each other.

Our Team

FirstIgnite is family, FirstIgnite is fun

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