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Collaborate: Nanoparticle Ink

By April 21, 2023No Comments

FirstIgnite is proud to announce their marketing support for Binghamton University’s nanoparticle ink technology, which involves a new copper-gold (CuAu) alloy. This ink can be printed onto a substrate and, without the requirement for any external triggers, become electrically conductive at room temperature. The benefits of this technology include high conductivity and cost-effectiveness. It is also room temperature sinterable.

The potential applications for this technology are numerous, including its use in printed electronics, solar panels, and flexible PCBs. The global market size for printed electronics was $12.25 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow significantly to reach $45.08 billion by 2031.

Binghamton University’s nanoparticle ink technology is ready for collaboration (licensing, partnerships, industry feedback, etc.). Is your company the right fit? If you’d be available for a conversation with the Binghamton University team, you can schedule a time directly on their team’s calendar here.