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Collaborate: Linear Bearing Clutch

By June 27, 2023No Comments

FirstIgnite is supporting the commercialization of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s linear bearing clutch technology. This technology offers an effective solution for achieving smooth and precise motion along an axis, while also facilitating the transmission of axial loads in the opposite direction. The clutch is self-contained, operating solely through mechanical means, without the need for additional electronic components, and features a compact design that eliminates the requirement for auxiliary electronics.

This technology has many applications, such as linear motion applications requiring a brake, robotics, industrial machinery, manufacturing plants, and space applications for docking of orbiting spacecraft. The global industrial machinery market was worth $277.47 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach $425.83 billion by 2028.

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s linear bearing clutch technology is ready for collaboration (licensing, partnerships, industry feedback, etc.). Is your company the right fit? If you’d be available for a conversation with the Johns Hopkins University APL team, you can schedule a time directly on their team’s calendar here.