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Collaborate: Hydrophobic Paper

By February 1, 2023February 13th, 2023No Comments

FirstIgnite is supporting the commercialization of Mississippi State University’s hydrophobic paper technology. This technology uses a metal-ion modification method to convert conventional paper (e.g., newspapers, copy paper, packing paper, tissue paper, and kraft paper) to hydrophobic paper. This opens up new opportunities for use as packaging materials and tableware, as well as an absorbent for oil spill cleanup and a membrane for separating water and oil mixtures/emulsions.

This invention has the potential to revolutionize conventional paper products and tableware industries by making them water-repellent. As of 2023, the global paper products market is valued at $1036.59 billion and is projected to grow to $1293.15 billion by 2027.

Mississippi State University’s hydrophobic paper technology is ready for collaboration (licensing, partnerships, industry feedback, etc.). Is your company the right fit? If you’d be available for a conversation with the Mississippi State University team, you can schedule a time directly on their team’s calendar here.