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FirstIgnite Success Story: Drexel University Partners with FirstIgnite for their Anti-Aging Topical Treatment Technology

By August 15, 2022February 13th, 2023No Comments

This summer FirstIgnite and Drexel University partnered together to increase engagement for Drexel affiliated startup, Boinca Therapeutics, by reaching out to hundreds of companies that would be interested in strategic partnerships for this preclinical company to advance the technology through the FDA process and commercialize it for aesthetic and/or therapeutic markets.

Organizations like DermBiont, Sensus Healthcare, DermTech, and many more engaged with staff from Drexel University and Boinca Therapeutics to learn more about this topical cream, and how when used daily during a 6-month study, showed an increase in collagen and lower levels of key biomarkers of aging skin.

FirstIgnite supports university affiliated startups across the United States, UK, and Canada, helping to foster growth with industry partners interested in acquiring and licensing companies and technologies.

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